
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What I've learned about action research

What have I learned about action research and how will I use it?

In reading through the course textbook, I realize that action research is a process that I have been involved in many times already as an educator.  Although I haven't significantly been involved in the final decision-making process, I have participated as a staff member in discussing ways to improve student performance in math and reading.  By analyzing data and debating methods for delivering intervention to lower performing students, I have been engaged in action research without really knowing it.

As a future administrator, I am learning the importance of self-reflection and assessing the effectiveness of implementing change.  "No man is an island" is an especially important concept for a principal.  I am starting to understand that the most effective administrators are those who are actively engaged in the professional lives of their staff members and who lead by example.  A great principal is also a great role model. 

My plan as a future administrator is to use action research to encourage and facilitate necessary changes in my school.  There is always room for improvement, so by analyzing data and collaborating with colleagues, I will be able to determine the best, most appropriate course of action for my school.  I plan to schedule times for inquiry into my weekly schedule and to utilize leadership teams to help in the creation of action plans.

How might an educational leader use a blog?

A blog can be an effective tool for sharing ideas and for recording thoughts.  It is a way to document reflections, questions, or concerns in a forum that welcomes feedback.  An educational leader can use the comments received from others reading his/her blog posts to shape they way they think and act.  Often a blog can be a place where people can share ideas quickly and easily.


  1. Can I just copy and paste your blog responses to mine? You said exactly what I was thinking! You have a good way with words.

  2. Jared: That is so true, as an educator in a classroom, I create action research with my students in forms of questions, and build on those questions to ask even more questions. It a cyclical way of obtaining information and going back to the beginning to start over again.

  3. I love the no man is an island analogy. That is so true for My administrator.

  4. Don't you love it when you start reading something on education or go to staff development and realize you've already been doing it? I agree that we have been reflecting and performing action research as teachers, but I am looking forward to implementing a formal process and seeing what the results are.

  5. You have a terrific plan for a future administrator. Way to think ahead! I like your quote. "No man is an island." It definitely speaks for how principals should be thinking. Never before have I realized how much responsibility went into my principal's job. Wow. Administration definitely needs help and collaboration to improve our schools.
