
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Action-based intervention in mathematics

Action Planning Template
Goal: To increase the FCAT mathematics scores of 4th and 5th grade students who are very near minimum passing score (above and below) using action-based interventions
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Gather data to identify students who are very near FCAT minimum cut score (4 points above or below)
Jared Stewart, Assistant Principal
December 2012
FCAT data showing previous year’s scale score
Use ODMS to create data reports
Using FCAT scores, group students based upon areas of need

Jared Stewart
January 2013
FCAT scores divided into content areas
Disaggregate data to determine students who are eligible for intervention in each content area
Develop action-based curriculum for each content area to address needs of students
Jared Stewart, Math Coach, Assistant Principal
January 2013
Mathematics resources for grades 4 and 5
Matching activity with content area, verifying validity and rigor of each activity
Conduct intervention groups during school day (final 30 minutes before dismissal on MTThF)
Jared Stewart
January 2013-April 2013
Classroom space, textbooks/workbooks,GeoFitness Mats, outdoor area
Pre/post test to determine understanding,  mini quizzes to monitor progress
Survey students
Jared Stewart
May 2013
Student survey on paper or online
Feedback received from student survey
Review FCAT scores and create a comparison report
Jared Stewart
June 2013
 2012 and 2013 FCAT results
Comparison of data to determine growth and effectiveness of intervention
Share results of surveys and FCAT data with administrators and colleagues
Jared Stewart
July/August 2013
Comparisons of data, survey results, meeting place
Summary of the findings of the action research plan and, if found to be effective, how it can be further enhanced and implemented

Format based on Tool 7.1 from Examining What We Do to Improve Our Schools
(Harris, Edmonson, and Combs, 2010)